I wish that I was better at updating my blog. I should be doing it every week as opposed to doing it once every couple of months. But I'm busy and distracted. What do you want from me??
A lot has been going on since my last update. Went to Italy and the East Coast. Started a new job. A new semester began. It's been crazy, but I've been learning a lot and I'm loving every minute of it. So here is some of the stuff I've been working on. Enjoy.
I was going to start with stuff from the summer time and work my way back up to the present, but I really wanted to start off with this shot for some reason. My friend Alex and I working with some strobes up at Brook Knoll School.
Alright. Travel back to Italy. Near the end of our trip, Urbino held the Festa Dello Studente. A three day festival dedicated to the students at Urbino University. It's a great way for everyone to wrap up the end of the year and let lose. I mean, a huge party sponsored by the city? What is better than that? The photos below are of a band called Nidi D'Arac. They are from Puglia. That chick was SHREDDING that violin. Pretty great show.

A month ago I got the opportunity to work for a company that every (male) photographer dreams of working for. I got to shoot an assignment for Playboy. I'm not going to go into details about the exact assignment, but I'll describe it like this. Cyber Girl of the Year and The Gamer Next Door,
Jo Garcia. Zombies. Pub crawl. Major, MAJOR win.
I've been working as an onset photographer for the latin drama, Hacienda Heights. It's been a really interesting experience. This industry is one that I knew nothing about. Here is a little sneak peak.
Random picture of Devin at Brian and Dan's birthday party.
These next few are shots from my location lighting class. We've been working with Profoto 7b kits ranging from one bare bulb to three light set-ups. Awesome packs. Can't wait to continue to learn how to utilize their awesomeness.
Kenny Chiu

Devin Begley

From cameras with love - SB